Little Ricky Software 2010 © 12 Illustrations for iPhone Apps, Shaky Globe
San Jose, Mexico City, Minneapolis, Nature, Christmas, Cats, Monsters, Charlotte, Salt Lake City, Florence, Sacramento,Miami
Ilustrar Magazine, issue 48, 2024 - Espaço Aberto / Open Space. Portuguese (Brazil) edition and English edition

 Illustration for "UIVO", 10th illustration Exhibition of Maia, 2020/2021 - Novos Quotidianos / New daily routines
Proposta de Cartaz para o Concurso Internacional de Cartelismo Terras Gauda 2022 - International Poster Design Competition 2022
Paulo Buchinho & Nuno Moura Semedo 2022

Collection of six postcards for sale at Lapso Galeria, Arronches Junqueiro Street, 126, Setubal
Illustration for Editora Centro Atlântico, 2018 © Exhibition «Fernando Pessoa in Vila Nova de Famalicão»
Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão from 1 to 30 December

 Participation in BIG - Guimarães Illustration Biennial 2017 - Images from Catalog.
Projecto pessoal, Esboços, Paulo Buchinho 2016 © Diário de bordo, 30 de Dezembro
Christmas Spirit. A temporary state of mind or feeling
Set of three illustrations for book for the Portuguese League Against Cancer Regional Nucleus of the North, Inês I - 2014 ©
Set of three illustrations for book for the Portuguese League Against Cancer Regional Nucleus of the North, Inês II - 2014 ©
Set of three illustrations for book for the Portuguese League Against Cancer Regional Nucleus of the North, Inês III - 2014 ©
iPhone Illustration Covers, Cloudwalker Luminouz, Tranquillizer for Virgucase, 2015 ©
Illustration for a collective Exhibition "Daqui e de Agora" (From here and now) for the Festa da ilustração de Setúbal 2016 Ilustração para Exposição colectiva Daqui e de Agora no âmbito da Festa da ilustração de Setúbal 2016 Palácio Fryxell 1. Pesca, 100 x 70, 2016 ©
Illustration for a collective Exhibition "Daqui e de Agora" (From here and now) for the Festa da ilustração de Setúbal 2016 Ilustração para Exposição colectiva Daqui e de Agora no âmbito da Festa da ilustração de Setúbal 2016 Palácio Fryxell 2. Conservas, 100 x 70, 2016 ©
Illustration for a collective Exhibition "Daqui e de Agora" (From here and now) for the Festa da ilustração de Setúbal 2016 Ilustração para Exposição colectiva Daqui e de Agora no âmbito da Festa da ilustração de Setúbal 2016 Palácio Fryxell 3. Fábricas, 100 x 70, 2016 ©
Illustration for a special article in Expresso Newspaper about the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack on January 7, 2015

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